Hyderabad (India) - Puerto España (Trinidad y Tobago) | Hyderabad (India) - Malabo (Guinea Ecuatorial) |
Hyderabad (India) - Kananga (RD Congo) | Hyderabad (India) - Basse-Terre (Guadalupe) |
Hyderabad (India) - George Town (Islas Caimán) | Hyderabad (India) - San Salvador (El Salvador) |
Hyderabad (India) - Kigali (Ruanda) | Hyderabad (India) - Niamei (Níger) |
Hyderabad (India) - Kisumu (Kenia) | Hyderabad (India) - Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso) |
Hyderabad (India) - Puerto Príncipe (Haití) | Hyderabad (India) - Kingstown (San Vicente y las Granadinas) |
Hyderabad (India) - Acapulco (México) | Hyderabad (India) - El Valle (Anguila) |
Hyderabad (India) - Basseterre (San Cristóbal y Nieves) | Hyderabad (India) - Blantyre (Malawi) |
Hyderabad (India) - Chinandega (Nicaragua) | Hyderabad (India) - Mogadishu (Somalia) |
Hyderabad (India) - Windhoek (Namibia) | Hyderabad (India) - Addis Abeba (Etiopía) |
Hyderabad (India) - Conakry (Guinea) | Hyderabad (India) - Monrovia (Liberia) |
Hyderabad (India) - Timbu (Bután) | Hyderabad (India) - Camagüey (Cuba) |
Hyderabad (India) - Arlington (TX) (Estados Unidos, golfo de México) | Hyderabad (India) - Djibouti (Djibouti) |
Hyderabad (India) - Huambo (Angola) | Hyderabad (India) - Fort-de-France (Martinica) |
Hyderabad (India) - Harare (Zimbabwe) | Hyderabad (India) - Dakar (Senegal) |
Hyderabad (India) - Antananarivo (Madagascar) | Hyderabad (India) - Bloemfontein (Sudáfrica) |
Hyderabad (India) - San Juan (Puerto Rico) | Hyderabad (India) - Albuquerque (Estados Unidos, Centro) |
Hyderabad (India) - Alajuela (Costa Rica) | Hyderabad (India) - Roseau (Dominica) |
Hyderabad (India) - Arusha (Tanzania) | Hyderabad (India) - Freetown (Sierra Leona) |
Hyderabad (India) - Castries (Santa Lucía) | Hyderabad (India) - Kampala (Uganda) |
Hyderabad (India) - Libreville (Gabón) | Hyderabad (India) - Belmopán (Belice) |
Hyderabad (India) - Bangui (República Central Africana) | Hyderabad (India) - Kingston (Jamaica) |
Hyderabad (India) - Colón (Panamá) | Hyderabad (India) - Bujumbura (Burundi) |
Hyderabad (India) - Saint John (Antigua y Barbuda) | Hyderabad (India) - Praia (Cabo Verde) |
Hyderabad (India) - Kabwe (Zambia) | Hyderabad (India) - Lomé (Togo) |
Hyderabad (India) - Maseru (Lesotho) | Hyderabad (India) - Freeport (Bahamas) |
Hyderabad (India) - Colombo (Sri Lanka) | Hyderabad (India) - Douala (Camerún) |
Hyderabad (India) - San Bernardino (CA) (Estados Unidos, Costa Oeste) | Hyderabad (India) - Albany (NY) (Estados Unidos, Costa Este) |
Hyderabad (India) - Asmara (Eritrea) | Hyderabad (India) - Agra (India) |
Hyderabad (India) - Accra (Ghana) | Hyderabad (India) - Juba (Sudán del Sur) |
Hyderabad (India) - La Ceiba (Honduras) | Hyderabad (India) - Escuintla (Guatemala) |
Hyderabad (India) - Santo Tomé (Santo Tomé y Príncipe) | Hyderabad (India) - Malé (Maldivas) |
Hyderabad (India) - Bamako (Mali) | Hyderabad (India) - Abidjan (Costa de Marfil) |
Hyderabad (India) - Victoria (Seychelles) | Hyderabad (India) - Bahawalpur (Pakistán) |
Hyderabad (India) - Aba (Nigeria) | Hyderabad (India) - Jartum (Sudán) |
Hyderabad (India) - Katmandú (Nepal) | Hyderabad (India) - Barisal (Bangladés) |
Hyderabad (India) - Port Louis (Mauricio) | Hyderabad (India) - Saint George (Granada) |
Hyderabad (India) - Banjul (Gambia) | Hyderabad (India) - Cotonú (Benin) |
Hyderabad (India) - Santiago (República Dominicana) | Hyderabad (India) - Beira (Mozambique) |
Hyderabad (India) - Bissau (Guinea-Bissau) | Hyderabad (India) - N'Djamena (Chad) |
Hyderabad (India) - Brazzaville (Congo) | Hyderabad (India) - Bridgetown (Barbados) |
Hyderabad (India) - Road Town (Islas Vírgenes Británicas) | Hyderabad (India) - Moroni (Comores) |
Hyderabad (India) - Gaborone (Botswana) | Hyderabad (India) - Lobamba (Suazilandia) |
Safe Drinking Water is TODAY’S NECESSITY
Water, that you can Trust Totally.
• Innovative, unique and highly advanced water purifier
• Digital RO Technology ensures optimum quality of purified water
• LED indications for Power ON, Purification ON, Tank Full, No Inlet Water, Filter Change Alarm
• Removes dissolved impurities like Rust, Pesticides, Arsenic, Fluoride, Lead, Heavy Metals, Bacteria and Viruses
• Delivers pure, hygienic and tastiest drinking water with preserved essential natural minerals
• Ideal for mounting under the kitchen counter
Key Features:
• First of its kind
• Digital RO technology ensures maximum life of the purifier and delivers purest water
• LED indications with Power ON, Purification ON, Tank Full, No Inlet Water and Filter Change
• Pressure guage to indicate the pressure at the inlet of RO Element
• Attractive floor standing design with stainless steel structure also provision for wall mounting
• Purification by Polypropylene Sediment Filter, Granular Activated Pre-Carbon Filter, Activated Carbon Block Filter, followed by Ultra Violet (UV) Sterilisation
• NSF/ANSI Standard 58 listed, Dow FilmTec RO Membrane for ultimate filtration/ equal standards of Reverse Osmosis element
• Removes dissolved impurities like Rust, Pesticides, Arsenic, Fluoride, Lead, Heavy Metals etc.
• Removes Bacteria and Viruses
• Hydrant comes in two models of 15 liters per hour and 25 liters per hour purification capacity
• Fully automatic
• Optional, Permeate Pump
• Robust stainless steel structure with powder coated aluminium sheet metal enclosure
• Outlet connection for Hydrostatic Storage Tank
Technical Specifications:
• Purification Capacity: 15 liters/ hour
• Max. Duty Cycle: 75 liters/ day
• Storage Tank Capacity: Hydrostatic Storage Tank of 8 Liters with Stainless Steel Faucet to mount on the Kitchen Platform
• Filter Cartridges: 10" Polypropylene Sediment, Granular Activated Carbon, Activated Carbon Block
• RO Element: TW-1812-75 Dow FilmTec
• UV Lamp: 11.00 Watt, Philips
• Inlet Water Pressure (Min): 0.3 kg/ cm2
• Power Supply: 24V DC, 2.5 Amps
• Input Voltage: 90 - 300V AC, 50Hz/60Hz
• Pressure Guage: 2", 0 - 300 PSI, 1 No.
• Dimensions:
Permeate Pump (Optional):
Permeate Pump is a simple, yet revolutionary, device. Powered only by the hydraulic energy of brine water usually lost to the drain (i.e. no electricity required), the Permeate Pump forces product water into the storage tank, reducing membrane back pressure and maximizing available feed pressure. This pump dramatically improves the efficiency of RO water production, reducing waste water by up to 80%. In other words, if your current system requires 10 liters of tap water to produce a Liter of pure water (10:1), adding a Permeate Pump should reduce this ratio below 3:1. This pump can also bring storage tank up to line pressure and then shut the system down when tank reaches its capacity, eliminating the need for a hydraulic shut-o valve. Other benefits include higher delivery pressures, faster RO water production, superior water quality, and extended liter/membrane life.
**Under test conditions
Note: Purifier not recommended for installation at above 2000 ppm of feed water.
Due to continuous developments, product speci
Actividad: Manufacturing